Yes, that's right, it sucks. That one movie, the one you love so much it completes you. The one you turn to for comfort when life deals you the harsh card. Yeah, that one. It's a piece of shit. It's poorly shot,
horrendously edited, and pathetically acted. The director was incompetent, the cinematographer was a moron, the costume designer was just phoning it in, and the shit head who was in charge of casting must have been frying on really bad, brown acid when they thought up the cast for this idiotic piece of shit! The writer couldn't put together a first grade nativity play, and yet, some slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, over-paid cock face in an expensive suit who wouldn't know Shakespeare from the ingredients list on a box of Corn Flakes hired this tool to write your favorite movie, because it happens to match up with some hamfisted demographic research that told him what you supposedly want to watch, and like the drooling, gap-toothed dumb fuck you are, you bought into it, hook, line and stinker!
Your favorite movie is a piece of shit. Deal with it!
Here endeth the lesson.
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